Bokemon’s commitment
Bokkenmon’s four commitment
Bokemon Ramen is an oil soba noodle with a focus on garlic ramen.
We make menu with soy sauce ramen and many variations.
On the other side of every menu is the base making that Bokemon has prepared with confidence.
Base is always aware of timing such as materials, time, season
I try to maximize the taste.

1. Carefully selected original soup full of collagen
Our soup is
Based on genkotsu, 11 kinds of ingredients are simmered for 36 hours or more.
The texture you can make when making soup means abundant collagen.
Here’s the secret that our soup is acceptable to women and the elderly
Based on genkotsu, 11 kinds of ingredients are simmered for 36 hours or more.
The texture you can make when making soup means abundant collagen.
Here’s the secret that our soup is acceptable to women and the elderly

2.Unique management to bring out the best taste from back fat
Back fat is used to give the richness of ramen and the sweetness of the soup.
Our back fat is prepared in a separate pan from the soup, carefully rubbed and served with the soup.
Therefore, it is finished so that only oil and oil can be felt without oiliness and smell.
Our back fat is prepared in a separate pan from the soup, carefully rubbed and served with the soup.
Therefore, it is finished so that only oil and oil can be felt without oiliness and smell.

3.Aging egg noodles of sticky
Bokkemon noodles are thick and thin, and are made of sticky glutinous egg noodles. It is rich in soda, but the egg noodles are fully matured, and can be served in all menus of noodles as noodles that can bring out the taste of char chew.

4.Mellow flavor of Nekoashi seaweed kelp from toothpaste
Bokkomon handles only the root kelp, which is a rare part of many kelp, and takes dumplings. “Konbu” is a rare part that can only be taken from one kelp. In addition, because cat foot (neko Ashi) kelp can not be taken only a little in the east (Doto) of Hokkaido,
By using “Konbu”, it became possible to finish in a deep flavor.
By using “Konbu”, it became possible to finish in a deep flavor.